This week we encounter Paul's Letter to Philemon. Philemon is one of the shortest books in the Bible, and one that is often not discussed in the life of the Church. We will discover some historical context and that the letter itself perhaps still has much to teach us about living together as a Christian community!
Our scripture this week comes from Philemon 1:1-21 and Luke 14:25-33.
The theme of our message might sound a little jarring at first, does God really play favorites? Learn more as we dig into this often confusing passage from Luke's Gospel. Our scripture this week comes from 1 Timothy 6:6-19 and Luke 16:19-31
May, 8, 2022
Today we begin a new series, one which explores Wesley's 3 simple rules for Christian living. Today's topic: Do No Harm, it's both easier and more complex than it sounds.
It’s Youth Sunday today and our youth group will leading us in a memorable service of praise and worship.
Guest Preacher: Nathan Fryar - high school senior at Munford High School
How does encountering the risen Christ change our perspective on life and of the world?
Thanks for joining us for worship today, we are so grateful to worship alongside you. Today we continue our series Cultivating and Letting God. Today is Palm Sunday, the beginning of Holy Week where we retrace the last steps of Jesus's earthly ministry.
Christ is risen! Christ is risen, indeed!
We are so glad to be worshipping alongside you today! We are so thrilled to be celebrating the risen Christ along side you!
Welcome to Munford First United Methodist Church, we are so happy to be worshipping with you today! Today we continue our series Cultivating and Letting go w...
Today we continue our Lenten series Cultivating and Letting Go, and we will explore the parable of the fig tree.
Today we continue our Lenten series Cultivating and Letting Go where we hear a familiar story with the story of the Prodigal Son and the unrelenting love of God.